How To Protect Your Staff Members' Mental Health In The Work Place

Within this article 'How To Protect Your Staff Members' Mental Health In The Work Place' is discussed and a likely solution arrived at. Not to put too fine a point on it, a number of individuals may be helped by this mental health in the workplace knowledge and it may asist you in your process.

The same goes for taking annual leave. Now, when employees disclose issues, an accommodations team figures out how best to help, perhaps offering a quieter space to work or a more flexible schedule. How might this work? The trial by Vlasveld and colleagues in The Netherlands presents a possible model. Other drugs will often leave you in withdrawal and can often cause very low moods and anxiety. This doesnt change overnight, but a considered approach, built around a framework of Understand, Manage, Promote, we can ensure that everyone has the knowledge around mental health in the workplace, the skills to facilitate conversations around mental health, enabling steps to manage mental health and an ongoing programme of proactivity.

Our section onHow to manage stress has further suggestions. The stigma associated with mental health issues can be challenging to deal with in the workplace. Does your colleague seem to becoming anxious or stressed out? Is he or she nervous, excitable or seem worried or tense? This type of changes can suggest that there is a mental health issue below the surface. Whether you work with 10 people, 10000 people or just yourself, paying attention to mental health in the workplace has never been more important.

Lack of concentration and greater irritability can severely affect your performance, along with sluggishness or fatigue. In addition, poor mental health can also lead to burn-out amongst employees seriously affecting their ability to contribute meaningfully in both their personal and professional lives. So, a mental health first aider could be just the job if the problem is in your head, right? TUCs Hugh Robertson says support for workers is a good thing, but mental health first aiders are not the only option and for union reps usually are not the best option. All these can be difficult issues for employers to address if they dont have the right processes in place or are not confident in what they are doing. Everyone should feel safe and supported to talk about managing and supporting mental health at work with their line manager.

You could also help them to call their doctor or a close friend or colleague. Businesses should not only aim to reduce mental health problems, but also encourage positive mental health throughout the organisation. This can help to create a culture where it is acceptable to talk about mental health. Managers should be checking in with their teams, individually, on a regular basis. Looking after mental health first aid in the workplace can sometimes be quite difficult.

Staff with good mental health are more likely to perform well, have good attendance levels and be engaged in their work. And this could be more difficult than before the pandemic. Make sure you have the right supplies in place. People may be experiencing anxiety or low mood around the current situation, especially with extra worries around job security, finding new work, their financial situation or issues within their family. You might not be talking about it, because workplace wellbeing initiatives is still a taboo subject.

In doing so, we aim to provide a suitable platform for future empirical research into this growing problem and subsequently provide potential solutions. This includes your thoughts and feelings, your body and the world around you. Instead, there should be a supportive environment that prioritises mental health and wellbeing of all over piles of paperwork. Employees dont want you to be their therapist or best friend. There are small, simple steps you can take to make dealing with depression at work something that people can talk about.

Let your co-worker know that youre there to listen without judgement, and make your co-worker feel like theyre still part of the team. For many, this extended period of isolation and lack of contact has created stress, anxiety, boredom and the accentuation of underlying conditions, that previously were manageable. With participants permission, the interviews were tape recorded and transcribed verbatim. Many employers provide thorough guidance on maintaining health and safety at work, yet not as many provide their employees with comprehensive resources on mental health and wellbeing. Discussing workplace mental health can be a good way to alleviate a difficult situation.

Employers also have a legal obligation to ensure the health, safety and welfare of their employees. They should also be trained to spot the signs of mental health issues and promote positive mental wellbeing. Nearly everyone has a friend or family member who falls into an at risk category and who they are particularly worried about. Our homes have turned into home offices, gyms, playgrounds and schools, and we are dealing with considerable uncertainty and change due to financial worries, health threats and potential job losses.

This article was created by Phoebe White. I have a keen awareness of mental health in the workplace and more often than not write for other newpapers and industry blogs. I've been in the game for over a decade, but it feels a lot longer.. When I'm not writing, I enjoy Basketball and Macrame. Find me on Twitter or LinkedIn

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